2014年8月 宮崎 進
That summer day when I learned of Japan's defeat comes to mind
vividly even now. The unspeakable horror I observed with my own
eyes —in China and in Siberia— is always present within me.
In 1942 during the Asian Pacific War, I was posted in Hulin at
the Manchuria-Soviet border. Through direct physical experience,
I knew the reality of the war started by Japan and that of life
in the colonized territories.
In 2011, a great earthquake disaster struck eastern Japan, causing
a nuclear power plant accident. The hundreds of thousands of victims
who lost their homes and communities continue to suffer even now.
Man's own productions —nuclear power and radioactive contamination—
are forcing a cruel destiny on human beings.
Cannot people imagine and understand other people's suffering?
In April 2014, an exhibition of my works,"Breath of Life,"
was held at The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama. I invested
my prayers for rebirth and reconstruction in those works, hoping
fervently that, through them, I might pass on memory of all this
to the future.
Since my childhood, Japan was continually at war. As one who has
known times of misfortune, I cannot be indifferent to the issues
of human history.
August, 2014 Shin MIYAZAKI
「立ちのぼる生命」会場風景 撮影:山本糾
Installation view of Breath of Life Photo: Tadasu Yamamoto
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